As an exception the rule, I will include this account of what happened during the past Cream Tea Shoot held by Kyrton Archers in Devon and I will do so in English, if only to save our generous hosts the
Review of Angela's custom Slick Stick by Bodnik Bows
Today we want to share with you a rather short article because it's basically an 8-min video where Angela explains all about her new bow. It turns out we think it might also be a great video to
SPTA St. George's Shoot at Huish Woods, Taunton, 2018
[Excepcionalmente escribo esta reseña en inglés como cortesía a los organizadores y asistentes] [Empleo fotografías de Luis García y Yamila Moreno al igual que las mías y evito mostrar a personas que mostraron su preferencia de no aparecer en ellas
SPTA St. George's Shoot at Somerset, 2017
[Este artículo está escrito en inglés por deferencia a la organización del evento, que lo sugiró así] To say that it was one of the finest archery weekends Angela and I have experienced would be... absolutely true. When little over